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Payload Computer

Micro Beacon

Cut Down


Video Link

Pico Beacon

NSRV Beacon

APRS Beacon


A wide variety of payloads and systems have been designed and built for flight.
Payload Computer The Payload Computer is a high reliability telemetry, command, and control module that can be used from mission to mission.  It provides a cross band voice repeater, flight data recorder, APRS (position reports), and remote command/control.
Micro Beacon The Micro Beacon is a light weight beacon that includes a GPS receiver, packet radio MODEM, flight recorder, temperature sensor, and a 70cm transmitter.  It provides redundant tracking functions.
Cut Down The cut down mechanism is used to release the balloon from the payload train.  The module is triggered with a low power, wireless transmitter located in the Payload Computer.
HF-APRS The HF-APRS system  is a software defined, multi-standard position reporting system that utilizes a high performance DDS (Direct Digital Synthesizer) to generate PSK-31, 300 baud, 1200 baud, and 9600 baud APRS tracking signals.
Video Link The S-Band (2400MHz) video transmitter utilizes a common wide-band FM transmitter, power amplifier, and television camera to generate a high quality video image.
Pico Beacon The Pico Beacon is the world's lightest, most capable APRS based tracking beacon.
NSRV Beacon The NSRV Beacon is the controller board from the NSRV (Near Space Return Vehicle) that has been installed in a different enclosure for use as an APRS beacon.  This allows us to test the NSRV electronics as well as provides us with a high power (5 watt) beacon for balloon recovery.  This payload was created to support multiple NASA Space Grant flights on the same day.
APRS Beacon The APRS Beacon is an embedded controller suitable for tracking and locating a balloon based payload using Amateur Radio APRS protocol.


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